Next Class
May 15th to 18th
At Williams Creek Angler we provide our students of the guide school with the skill and knowledge it takes to work in some of the most beautiful offices in the world.
This four day course will provide you with enough instruction on guiding techniques, guide/client interaction, and overall understanding of fly fishing from a guide’s perspective to give you the qualifications and confidence it takes to pursue a career on the river.
Although fly fishing entails a lifetime of learning, and you will learn some technique related elements of the sport, this course should not be considered a fly fishing course. Instead, this is a course that is focused on fly fishing from a guide’s perspective, so those who enroll should already possess some solid fundamental fly fishing skills.
Over the four days, students will participate in both classroom and field instruction in guiding walk/wade fly fishing trips. Each day will start with a 2 – 3 hour classroom discussion. In the afternoons we will travel to some local waters for a 3 - 4 hour field session to apply what was discussed in the classroom to the field.
The guide school is based in Pagosa Springs CO., home of the headwaters of the San Juan River. In addition to the San Juan, there is a wide variety of still and small water venues that are in close proximity to town.
Class Schedule
Day One – Discussion: introduction to the program. The process of fly fishing as it relates to guiding – this is a very detailed and comprehensive discussion on the fundamentals of fly fishing including knots & rigging, casting, entomology, fly selection, fly tying, fighting & netting fish, and much more.
Day One – Field: fundamental skills assessment
Day Two – Discussion: conducting a still water casting lesson and still water strategy & techniques.
Day Two – Field: demonstration on conducting a still water casting lesson followed by peer to peer “guide/client” casting lesson and still water fishing matchups
Day Three – Discussion: conducting moving water casting lesson and moving
water strategy and techniques.
Day Three – Field: demonstration on conducting a moving water casting lesson followed by peer to peer “guide/client” casting lesson and moving water fishing matchups
Day Four – Discussion: guide ethics and responsibilities – this is an in depth discussion covering what exactly is expected of a guide in terms of how a trip is conducted, protecting resources, interactions with clients, and obligations to an outfitter.
Day Four – Field: guiding skills assessment on still and moving water.

Cost, Dates & Availability
- The cost of the program is $750/student
- Participants are required to put 50% down upon enrollment and be fully paid by 5/1/2025
- There is a 5 student limit for the course so early enrollment is highly encouraged to secure your spot
- The next course will be conducted May15th - May 18th 2025
- Additional dates may be added
as per enrollment

What to Bring
The course is conducted in early spring in order for the students to be qualified and have an opportunity to find employment during the peak hiring season for outfitters.
High in the Rockies the spring weather can and will be very unpredictable. It can be sunny one minute and a blizzard the next – quite literally! So bring proper outdoor attire for all conditions.
Students are expected to have their own rods and waders, as well as, be properly equipped with terminal gear such as leader, tippet, indicators, floatant, etc. All of that is also available at the shop for purchase.
All participants must possess a Colorado fishing license which can be purchased at

There is a wide variety of lodging available in Pagosa Springs, including camping, hotels/motels, or vacation rentals. Please let us know if you need assistance in finding what you’re looking for.

To enroll or for any other questions send an email to: or
Please put “guide school” in the subject line.